Stress and Relief

As a college student, I run into a whole lot obstacles. Big surprise there. The most recent of events:

1) I have 1 stinkin’ core hour that is not credited for, and cannot figure out where it is, or if I am missing a class or what. So I have to get all of my transcripts from EFC, UNT, & TVCC (moral of that sob story, go to one school and stick with a plan) and send them EFC so that they can send yet another transcript to UTD clearly stating that I am, in fact, core complete.

2) I have four papers and more to come, three of which are due this week.

3) I have three more novels to read and a port folio due.

4) My boss said that I am not performing to expectations at work – that I have been “irritable” (yes, that is the word he used) and not able to keep up with the changes of the business.

The list could go on, trust me. And I could say a HECK of a lot things about #4…but you know what? All of this stress has led me to learn one thing. And that is if I do not a love and trust for the Lord, all of this stress could ruin me. Granted I realize that there are others that have problems way bigger than school or work, but no problem is too big for our God to handle. He is my Father, and what Father does not discipline a child he loves dearly?

I am constantly being molded to be the woman God intends for me to be – I will never stop learning and God will continue to use me to glorify Himself in every circumstance so long as I let Him and love Him and fear Him forever. I will come out on top of my stress because that is what will bring glory to God, and I strive to please to Him. I fail miserably and Lord knows often, but His mercy is what keeps me on my feet and His love is what comforts my heart and brings me peace in life, and His hands are what dry my tears when things get hard.

I long for the day when I will hear him say, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” It chills me to the bone to think that some may me told, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.”

Bare with me here

Alright, so this is my first blog. Ever. And quite honestly, I am only creating this for an online class in which I am required to do this, but heck, why not make the most of it?

My name is Chelsea Spence. I am a junior at the University of Texas at Dallas…not my preferred school of choice. Actually, I wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin. I was accepted out of high school, but decided not go and instead attended University of North Texas. Then I reapplied, and needless to say I was not readmitted. Moral of that sob story – keep your grades up…they matter.

I am majoring in Arts and Humanities with a focus in photography. It’s a slow going business, and at this point I am just trying to get my foot in the door, but hey, good things come to those who wait, right?

That’s the gist. I am just your average college girl, nothing particularly special or interesting going on in my life. Making it through the day, saving money, trying to pass my classes and maintain a social life and work (full time, might I add. Yea, not fun). My literature class is particularly hard. We will have read about 10-12 novels over the course of the semester. That is about a novel per week. You do the math. Lotsa late night hours, last minute papers, and added amounts of unnecessary stress. Not to mention, my professor isn’t the most compliant guy, but what can you do?

I cannot complain. I have been blessed with what I have been given and continue to be. God is mysterious in His ways despite my every effort to do as I please, instead of walking in accordance of His will. His plan is never thwarted or deterred at any moment. There is comfort in that. In no way can I ever be plucked from God’s love for me. He is sovereign and unchangeable. I am at His mercy always, yet he is willing to show me grace. I am his adopted daughter, He is my Father and Protector. I know that He has nothing but good plans for my life. All I have to do is strive to conform to the likeness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Much easier said than done, I might add. But I will fight the good fight of faith, and trust in the Lord so long as I live on this earth until the day I am called to go home.Image

-Chels…that picture ^^ is WAY bigger than I thought it’d be…sorry ’bout that.